Plenty of colleges have fun traditions, but I’m especially partial to Wellesley’s. In no particular order, here are some official Wellesley traditions (and a few unofficial ones as well!):
-Hoop rolling. This is the classic! Seniors race to see who can roll large wooden hoops down a path the fastest. Underclass students gather, sometimes camping out, to save a spot for their favorite seniors. My favorite part is the evolution of what the winner is supposed to obtain. In ye olden days, the winner was supposed to be the first to get married of the group. Somewhere in the eighties, that became “first to become CEO,” which eventually evolved to “first to achieve success as they define it.” Downside to winning? You also get thrown in the lake.
-Lake Day. Lots of colleges have some variation of this–a day of festivities, carnival food, and celebration that isn’t announced until the night before–but most of them don’t involve an actual lake. It changes year-to-year, but there’s usually a ride or two, prizes, and–most importantly, of course–some variety of fried dough.
-First time seeing a squirrel dragging off a ridiculously large piece of food. (This one is completely unofficial, obviously.) The squirrels on this campus are courageous little monsters, and they’re unafraid to hang around outside dining halls to snatch up any discarded food. The specifics of this tradition vary–will you see a squirrel scamper off with an entire pizza crust? drag a complete egg-and-cheese-bagel-sandwich up a tree? Only time will tell–but you never forget the moment when you realize that Wellesley squirrels are a feral, fearless, and ravenous bunch.
-Fall Frenzy. It’s pretty similar to Lake Day, but this one is fall themed. Cider, donuts, music, lawn activities, and a free student-designed T-shirt (there’s a contest) make frequent appearances. Collecting a T-shirt from all four years is an impressive accomplishment.
-A less official fall tradition: in some places the first snow signals winter has arrived, or the first daffodils signal spring. At Wellesley, the first time you get clocked on the head by an acorn while walking under the enormous oak tree outside the campus center is the truest indication that fall has arrived.
-Flower Sunday. Older Wellesley students (Bigs) get partnered with newer Wellesley students (Littles) and they celebrate with brunch, a traditional gift of flowers from the older student to the younger, a multi-faith program at the Chapel, and hopefully the start of a long term friendship.
-Stepsinging. Students from all four classes gather on the steps to sing. Traditional song-books are supplied. It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like! We do it twice a year and all the classes try to out-sing each other.
-MarMon! The Boston Marathon goes straight past Wellesley campus and Wellesley students line the street to form a “scream tunnel,” yelling encouragement at favorite runners. Class is let out for the day, picnic-style food is served, and students from other colleges turn up for the fun. I’m roping my sister into joining us this year.