Tag: Boston Common

Image of Avery holding a ball of dough

Bellamy & Ceres

HEY BLOGGIES. Welcome back once again to Avery’s blog. You know the drill. The song that describes this week is: Directly after work last Thursday, I went to #myfavoriteplaceonearth, The Boston Athenaeum. I got a new book and became slightly more versed in the Library of Congress Classification System. Which was a JOURNEY to say the least as I had…


Hi again! The Admission Summer Interns (and Mariam’s friend who was so lovely and funny) took a trip to downtown Boston and had a relaxing picnic at Boston Common, the oldest park in the nation! We had a ton of Trader Joe’s goodies and a ton of fun, too. This ASI outing was probably one of the best memories I’ve…

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