Tag: boston

Summer life at Wellesley :)

During the summer, I’m working for the admission office as an Admission Summer Intern (ASI), which is really fun 🙂 I love the people at the office! My supervisors, my fellow ASIs, and I went candlepin bowling once, which is like normal bowling but with smaller balls and pins, (it’s, apparently, a New England thing). But what I especially LOVE…


Hi again! The Admission Summer Interns (and Mariam’s friend who was so lovely and funny) took a trip to downtown Boston and had a relaxing picnic at Boston Common, the oldest park in the nation! We had a ton of Trader Joe’s goodies and a ton of fun, too. This ASI outing was probably one of the best memories I’ve…

I Meet My Violin Idol

Thursday afternoon, the sun is just starting to slant down. I’m walking down the train station platform, listening to my latest read: Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (2016 commencement speaker, but I digress) when I see a familiar face. It’s Sarah, from my molecular genetics class, and she’s clutching a Styrofoam container…the kind of container doctors carry through the streets…

Let’s Talk While I Wait For My Train

I’m currently sitting at the Yawkey train station, watching the entire city of Boston go by. For some reason, even though it’s 5:30 pm, the traffic into the city is heavier than the traffic going out. The last few stragglers are wandering into the Red Sox game. Fenway park is right across the street, and I had to dodge the…

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