Tag: chemistry

A bowl of cheerios with some heart-shaped cheerios

A Day In My Life!

Hello Blog, This week, we’ll be doing a classic: a day in my life as a Wellesley student (senior spring edition!). As a minor disclaimer, I have chosen a particularly busy day, so just remember all days are different and most are not nearly as packed as this one. Something I’m really trying to prioritize this semester is fun with…

Several gummy bears held together with small toothpicks to create a model of a molecule.

A Musical Start to the Semester!

Hello Blog, Let’s do the final run down of classes I’m taking for my last semester! CHEM 341: Inorganic chemistry – my final chemistry class at Wellesley! At this point, I’ve exhausted most of the chemistry classes in the department, and this is supposed to be a really fun chemistry course to end on. So far, I’m really enjoying it!…

Group of students sitting at a picnic table outside eating ice cream

A Day in My Life

Hello Blog, Happy T-minus 2 days to Fall Break! I received an email from a prospective student last week asking about what a typical day in my life looks like, so I thought I’d make a whole blog post about it (with some additional details, of course). Things have been pretty busy, so strap in!  I usually wake up about…

Image of Jade and her friend Anabelle in front of Lake Waban at sunset.


Hello Blog! Welcome to my return to blogging! I assume most of you are new readers, so it seems only appropriate to reintroduce myself. My name is Jade, I’m a current junior at Wellesley (go green class!), and I’m originally from Massachusetts – only 30 minutes away from Wellesley. I’m a big fan of all the trees we have in…

Standout moments from a (not so) typical week

I don’t have any grand international adventures for you this week. Well into the semester, everything feels familiar, like it couldn’t be any other way. I figured I would just describe a typical week in the life of a Wellesley student for you, but then I realized that my “typical” week actually involved synthesizing my own nylon, watching a silent…

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