Tag: class

A cleared walkway through a snow-covered campus

A (busy) day in the life

Hey everyone! It’s midterms season (nay!!), so my life right now revolves around studying, revising, office hours, and more studying. That’s why I decided to do a day-in-the-life this week—for you to get a feeling of what life is like around here right before the midterms start coming in. I woke up this (Wednesday) morning around 7:50 am for my…

A snowy field on campus with buildings in the background.

A Hectic Thursday

Hi Blog Readers! Today, I want to write about a busy Thursday I had a few weeks ago. My Thursday began early with my 8:30am economics class. I am kind of contradictory in the sense that I love how peaceful early mornings are but also simultaneously like to be a night owl – these two traits are not very compatible!…

Image of a cat with tan fur on its back and a white belly.

Status Update

Happy almost-end of semester! I say this every year, but genuinely this fall went by sooo fast. I flew back home last week for Thanksgiving break and had an awesome time being back with my family. My aunt also stayed with us, and I saw some of my best friends!  Now, we just have a few weeks left in the…

Image of greenery on campus.

Day in the Life

Hi everyone! I haven’t done a day in the life blog recently, so I think that it’s time for one! I’m gonna take you with me through what an average Tuesday looks like in my life. My day starts with an alarm at 7:15 am and leaving the apartment at 7:40 am to catch my 7:52 am bus. I arrive…

Jade standing next to a green Wellesley banner.

Senior Year Reintroductions!

Hello Blog, Welcome back to another (and final </3) year of reading my Wellesley blogs! For a quick round of reintroductions: my name is Jade, I’m officially a senior at Wellesley College (go green class!), I’m a chemistry major and a music minor, and I do a few things on campus, namely being the president of the chamber music society…

Image of the Boston skyline at night along the Charles River.

MIT Class Day

I want to continue my post from last week and explain what a day in the life looks like when I take my class at MIT!  My class is once a week for three hours in the evening. I take the convenient school shuttle, called the loco, to get to MIT’s campus. On weekdays, the loco makes a stop in…

Vyara and friends watching a TV show.

A Day in the Life!

Hi everyone! I realized I haven’t done “a day in the life” in a long time, so here’s one from my Friday during a relatively chill week. 9:18 a.m. I wake up to my alarm (I don’t like my alarms being at a time that ends at 0 or 5 for some reason) for my 9:55 a.m. physics class. My…

Image of posters and scientific equipment in a lab.

Sitting in a College Class

Hi everyone! I know that many of you are probably wondering how going to a college class feels like at Wellesley, what your relationship with your classmates is in college, and how to talk to your professors. So, I thought I would share my experience with those things at Wellesley. I don’t know if it’s just me and my experience…

halfway there

My adventures in Geneva continue! This past week marked about the halfway point of my time here. I can feel the work ramping up just as the flowers are blooming. It’s getting harder to stay inside and study. So this past weekend, I took a day trip with some friends to Lyon, a city close to Geneva in France. Lyon…

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