Tag: college

Collective frazzled spirit

There’s a collective frazzled spirit on campus this week. The days leading up to a break are always a stressful time, and no matter how much anyone tries to avoid it, midterms and papers always seem to line up simultaneously. Personally, my weekend will be divided between a full lab report on the random vs. directed mutation hypothesis in the…

Since we last spoke

Happy November, everyone! Last week I wrote an open letter to all of you applying early decision, which I hope proved helpful and/or reassuring to a few of you. But that means you’re not just two weeks behind on weevil updates, and all the cool stuff I’m doing in lab and the fact that I have a major advisor now…

Hi! I’m Eleanor

What are your thoughts on Gustav Mahler? No, but seriously, icebreakers aside, hi! I’m Eleanor. I’m currently a sophomore here at Wellesley. A little bit about me. I usually just tell people I live about forty minutes from New York City, because it sounds slightly more interesting than saying I come from a suburban town in northern New Jersey. But really,…

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