Tag: community

Image of musizcal notation partially erased on a chalkboard.

Junior Recital Loading… 🎶🤭

Hello Blog, As expected, I made it through the weekend! I cannot say I had the most exciting past few days because I was taking the exams I mentioned previously, but it’s all about balance. I spent most of spring break out and about, so it makes sense that I had a weekend with a bit heavier of a workload…

Commuting, Comedy, and Celebrity Crushes.

The playlist of this week, featuring Childish Gambino: http://8tracks.com/okczer/childish-gambino#smart_id=artist:Childish_Gambino&play=1 I was just telling one of my fellow bloggers that I feel like all I write about in these blog posts are the things I do over the weekend. Believe me, I’m studying at Wellesley too — but I generally like to keep myself busy with other things (like going to shows,…

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