Tag: Davis Museum

Image of people standing around an art exhibit in the Davis Museum

My favorite spots to study on campus. A tier list made by a student for a student.

What’s up lovely creatures!!!!!! In this blog post, I would like to talk about my favorite spots to study on Wellesley’s campus. Our library was closed for renovations right after the first semester my first year, so we had to improvise and find other places to study. This list takes into account a couple of key factors: Noise Isolation Snacks…

Naked Men on Campus and Why I (Don’t) Care

Yep, he’s really here. (a few additions have been made to the Sleepwalker Statue since Monday) So I’m sure most of you have seen or heard about the statue of the semi-nude man that’s taken residence on campus. On Tuesday, I was walking back to my dorm from the Science Center and did a double take when I saw a…

Davis Days

Here’s this week’s playlist: http://8tracks.com/alstroemeria/reading I got to visit the Davis Museum twice this week. The Davis Museum is an art museum right here on campus, and is open to anyone. Their current exhibits range from Monet to Mesoamerican vases; even if you aren’t an art person, if you have the chance to visit I promise you’ll find at least…

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