Tag: Junior Recital

Image of musizcal notation partially erased on a chalkboard.

Junior Recital Loading… 🎶🤭

Hello Blog, As expected, I made it through the weekend! I cannot say I had the most exciting past few days because I was taking the exams I mentioned previously, but it’s all about balance. I spent most of spring break out and about, so it makes sense that I had a weekend with a bit heavier of a workload…

Back in the Swing of Things!

Hello Blog, In a weird way, this feels like one of my first normal weeks back on campus. The 1st week of classes is always an adjustment, my 2nd week I was grinding out summer internship applications, my 3rd week I was preparing for my conference, my 4th week I was at the conference, and my 5th week (last week)…

Small creatures made out of pom poms and other crafting materials.

Welcome Back!

Hello Blog, And just like that, we’re back for another semester! We’re officially two weeks into the semester, and things are already picking up. Here’s how I’ve been filling my time thus far:  It’s application season! I’ve been spending a lot of time applying to research opportunities for this summer. The past two summers I’ve been at Wellesley doing (paid!)…

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