Tag: Lulu

A cleared walkway through a snow-covered campus

A (busy) day in the life

Hey everyone! It’s midterms season (nay!!), so my life right now revolves around studying, revising, office hours, and more studying. That’s why I decided to do a day-in-the-life this week—for you to get a feeling of what life is like around here right before the midterms start coming in. I woke up this (Wednesday) morning around 7:50 am for my…

Image of the Charles River with the Citgo sign in the background.

Adventures with Margaret Part 2

Welcome back! This week, I’ll be sharing more of the things I did while my mom visited. Per my last blog, we went whale watching, and had just wrapped up our Saturday morning activities. After leaving the flea market we visited, we headed towards the Boston Public Library. To get there, we took the blue and green lines. My mom…

Image of a dining hall, looking down a line of counters and food court areas.

The Dining Halls on Campus

Hi everyone! I know that food and the dining halls are something that students are always interested in before coming to college. That was definitely the case when I was preparing to come to Wellesley for the first time. This is why I thought it might be useful to tell you about the four dining halls that we have on…

Image of an intricate manuscript illustrated and ornately written.

Uneventful Monday

I recently wrote about what a busy day in my life as a Wellesley student looks like; today, I want to do the opposite and write about a fairly uneventful Monday of classes. I woke up early to work on a short paper for my Islamic art history class. Since I live on the east side, I am lucky to…

A concrete room with colorful yellow hightop chairs and tables against a backdrop of a wall covered in a whiteboard.

Extra Busy Day in the Life

Today, I’m going to share what a very busy school day looks like in my life! I remember obsessively watching “Day in the life as a (insert college name) student” videos when I was applying to colleges, so I hope this can also be useful to readers. Tuesdays end up as my busiest school day. I have two back-to-back classes…

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