Tag: Music Theory

Several gummy bears held together with small toothpicks to create a model of a molecule.

A Musical Start to the Semester!

Hello Blog, Let’s do the final run down of classes I’m taking for my last semester! CHEM 341: Inorganic chemistry – my final chemistry class at Wellesley! At this point, I’ve exhausted most of the chemistry classes in the department, and this is supposed to be a really fun chemistry course to end on. So far, I’m really enjoying it!…

An image of snowy paths between trees over an ornate railing.

Back to Wellesley

Hi everyone! Guess who is back in Wellesley?  It’s really amazing being here. It’s great seeing all of my friends, my favorite professors, even the geese again! What was not so great though was the weather this week—it was freezing cold the whole first week of classes. It’s starting to get better now, but it’s still rather cold, and there’s…

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