Tag: office hours

Jade and friends posing together for a photo.

Almost There!

Hello Blog, Happy Spring Break! I am preemptively writing this as a way to manifest that I finish the monster of a problem set that I’m currently working on for physical chemistry. For most of the people in the course, we all took calculus virtually in high school during COVID, so we’re reaching pretty far back in our foundational math…

Image of a dorm room window with a disco ball hanging from the top sending shimmering light dancing across the walls.

Midterms Season 😦 (don’t panic!)

Hi Blog, I will not lie, I have been a bit stressed recently. It’s officially midterms season at Wellesley, so the work is really picking up. I have 3 big things coming up this week: my first CHEM 330 (physical chemistry) exam, my first REL 106 (queer bible) paper, and a solo cello performance at friends and family weekend for…

Image of dancers on stage at the Boston Ballet during a performance of the Bach Cello Suites.

Fall Break Recap

Hello Blog, We’re having an especially short week here at Wellesley College because we’re coming off of Fall Break (a four day weekend). I had a pretty chill Fall Break myself, but I thought I’d do a recap here. On Friday, I went to the Boston Ballet with my friend (and former roommate) Anabelle. For her birthday, I got us…

Group of students sitting at a picnic table outside eating ice cream

A Day in My Life

Hello Blog, Happy T-minus 2 days to Fall Break! I received an email from a prospective student last week asking about what a typical day in my life looks like, so I thought I’d make a whole blog post about it (with some additional details, of course). Things have been pretty busy, so strap in!  I usually wake up about…

I love these guys!

When the prospective students ask what some of my favorite things about Wellesley are, I always mention our amazing faculty and staff. They really seem to love interacting with us, and consistently demonstrate a willingness to help students.  Today was one big example of this. While I was getting breakfast, a woman who works in the cafeteria (she doesn't know…

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