Tag: pom

White wall in a corner of the room with various pictures, pennants, articles, and posters stuck to it.

WC (Wellesley College): Welcome to My Crib

Hello Blog, That’s right. It’s dorm tour time. This year, I’m living in a single in Pomeroy (Pom) Hall. This means for the first time in my Wellesley experience I am without my former roomie and dear friend Anabelle </3. It’s all good though, because she has her own single in the next dorm over (Munger) where most of my…

Image of Jade and her friend Anabelle in front of Lake Waban at sunset.


Hello Blog! Welcome to my return to blogging! I assume most of you are new readers, so it seems only appropriate to reintroduce myself. My name is Jade, I’m a current junior at Wellesley (go green class!), and I’m originally from Massachusetts – only 30 minutes away from Wellesley. I’m a big fan of all the trees we have in…

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