Tag: rest

Palm trees lining the edge of a sandy beach.

Post-Thanksgiving Reflections: Rest, Relaxation, and Resetting for Finals

Thanksgiving break came and went, but it left me with memories to savor and energy to carry me through the whirlwind of finals season. This year, I was lucky to experience something truly special: a trip to the Dominican Republic with my boyfriend’s family. It was the perfect mix of adventure, connection, and rejuvenation, and I couldn’t be more grateful.…

Galen Stone Tower behind autumnal leaves.

The Week Before Thanksgiving Break: Anticipation and the Promise of Rest

Hi all, As the days tick down to Thanksgiving break, there’s a palpable buzz in the air. Conversations around campus are filled with travel plans, family traditions, and favorite holiday dishes. The week before break feels like the final push before a much-needed pause—a chance to step off the treadmill of lectures, assignments, and meetings, even if only for a…

Two swans in the water

Facing Setbacks and Pushing Ahead

Hi all, As a student athlete, sports have been a major part of my identity and experience at Wellesley and even before. However, setbacks are a part of life, even for student athletes. While minor injuries can be frustrating setbacks, they don’t have to derail your progress. Here’s how to stay positive and make the most of your recovery time…

Rest and Relaxation

College can be stressful. You have all these things to turn in on time, away from home, new people, and if you as unlucky as I was the first semester, and 8:30 class. *gasps* At Wellesley is where I came across the idea of self-care. Essentially taking care of yourself when you feel stressed out. Or doing so regularly to maintain a happy mind. The…

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