Tag: Restaurants

Image of people swimming in a lake.

Moving and Grooving

Hello y’all! I can’t believe summer is almost over, and that this is my second to last blog. Working as an Admission Summer Intern has gone by so fast. This weekend was busy, but I got a couple bucket list items crossed off. The big to-do of the weekend was moving, and I’m also trying to savor the last few…

Avery and her friend standing in front of a red door.

On The Uptown

HELLO. GREETINGS. SALUTATIONS. BLOGGIES. I hope all 2 and a half of my readers had a WONDERFUL weekend. BECAUSE IIII DID. I truly think New York has some type of spiritual allure to it that I can not pull myself away from. It’s giving pirate and siren except I forgot to cover my ears. That was my 4th time in…

Image of the Boston skyline from the harbor.

Adventures with Margaret Part 1

Hello again! This weekend, my mom visited me. She hadn’t visited Boston since my fall semester first year, so it was nice to show her around again with more knowledge of Boston. She flew in Thursday afternoon, and we headed to the commuter rail station to go to Cambridge for dinner. We took a quick bus connection and arrived at…

Celebrating Traditions at College

Last weekend was Tibetan New Year, my second one away from home. Today, I want to talk about how I’ve celebrated this tradition at college and what celebrating traditions away from home is like at Wellesley. I am super fortunate to know other Tibetan students here at Wellesley and have a small community with them. To celebrate the new year,…

Several bowls of rice-based dishes with various toppings and sides.

When in Wellesley

Today, I want to focus on the fun things students can do in the town of Wellesley. I feel like we spend a lot of time talking about going to Cambridge and Boston on the weekends; thus, I now want to highlight and recommend some things to do within the town of Wellesley! Right outside the east side of campus…

A heaping bowl of spaghetti carbonara in a stylish light blue plate.

Gluten: 0 – Anna: 1

I have been dreaming of writing this post for SO long…the day has finally come for me to talk about all things being gluten free. The good, the bad, and the tasty! I have been strictly gluten free since the second semester of freshman year, but only recently have I taken it as seriously as I needed to. I thought…

Image of bruschetta artfully presented on a round white plate

Sorry, this seat is taken!

Hi all, Let’s talk about SOLO travel! It seems fitting given I am abroad and going to be doing quite a bit of traveling in the upcoming months. As someone who had only left the US for the first time this past summer, the idea of traveling abroad to study and also explore on my own was quite daunting to…

Image of dancers on stage at the Boston Ballet during a performance of the Bach Cello Suites.

Fall Break Recap

Hello Blog, We’re having an especially short week here at Wellesley College because we’re coming off of Fall Break (a four day weekend). I had a pretty chill Fall Break myself, but I thought I’d do a recap here. On Friday, I went to the Boston Ballet with my friend (and former roommate) Anabelle. For her birthday, I got us…

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