Tag: spring

A door decorated with birthday cards!


Hello everyone!   Another week, another blog of updates on Wellesley life from me. The days are longer, the temperature is now back in the positives (if you are using Celcius), and the snow is melting. The only downside to that is the fact that a lot of the sidewalks are overflowing with water from the melting snow, which is…


Hi all,  The best holiday of the year was just two days ago! Marathon Monday, famously coined as ‘MarMon,’ is a well-loved tradition and event that will forever be one of my favorite moments from my time at Wellesley. Every Patriots’ Day, which is the third Monday of April, the Boston Marathon takes place and is a wonderful celebration on…

Yellow daffodils peeking up out of the ground.

Spring is in the air!

Hi everyone! I don’t know what it is about the week after spring break, but somehow it is always a really busy and tiring one. The campus just feels gloomier and quieter than normal. I personally like to blame it on the disrupted sleeping schedules. But the positive side is that since spring break ended, the semester is almost over…

Sunshine before semester’s end

Hello again everyone! Right now I’m sitting in the Munger courtyard, where the cherry trees are blooming and there’s a warm breeze making its way through the pines. Clouds are starting to roll in, suggesting rain, and so I guess nature will make this blog be done on time. We’ve had the most amazing weather the past two days. Yesterday,…

Spring Week is (too much) fun.

Can you believe this? We’re almost done with April. That means my first year at Wellesley is coming to an end (and so is your last year of high school.. whaaat)… And what better way to end the year than by being outdoors in the beautiful sun enjoying all this campus has to offer when the weather is nice. SLATER…

Sunny Days

Spring is in the air! I love warm weather, and after a New England winter I can appreciate a high in the seventies so much more! I frolicked in the town of Wellesley, (also known as “The Ville”) today. I certainly wasn’t the only one. I do need to give my books more attention though. You know, a lot of…

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