Tag: studying

A cleared walkway through a snow-covered campus

A (busy) day in the life

Hey everyone! It’s midterms season (nay!!), so my life right now revolves around studying, revising, office hours, and more studying. That’s why I decided to do a day-in-the-life this week—for you to get a feeling of what life is like around here right before the midterms start coming in. I woke up this (Wednesday) morning around 7:50 am for my…

Vyara and several friends sitting in a classroom

The Science Center + Drag Race = Fun

Hi everyone! Things are settling into their normal rhythm here in Wellesley—homework never ends, deadlines are creeping behind every corner, and you need to pull out your google calendar to figure out if you can hang out with your friends during the day. There is something very soothing in that whole routine though that I missed when I was abroad,…

Two swans in the water

Best Study Spots

Hey Blog and happy almost-Thanksgiving break! Today, I am listing some of my favorite study spots on Wellesley’s campus. I did a post two years ago on my favorite places, so I am updating that list with two new additions! Wellesley’s main library, Clapp Library, is closed for renovation until next summer, so these are the alternatives I have found. …

Image of people standing around an art exhibit in the Davis Museum

My favorite spots to study on campus. A tier list made by a student for a student.

What’s up lovely creatures!!!!!! In this blog post, I would like to talk about my favorite spots to study on Wellesley’s campus. Our library was closed for renovations right after the first semester my first year, so we had to improvise and find other places to study. This list takes into account a couple of key factors: Noise Isolation Snacks…

Cartoon penguin drawn on a whiteboard saying "You Can Do It!"

Finals Season

Hello everyone! It’s finally here—the last week of classes. This semester felt endless at times, and yet I still feel like I arrived on campus a few days ago. But it’s a fact that classes are almost over, and that the final exams are here. Before exams start though, we have a few days of reading period. It’s a total…

Green (and haunted) houses

By some miracle, after four days of slick rain and dense skies that felt like a Sherlock Holmes dark and stormy night, it is lovely outside. It is so lovely that I have retreated to my new favorite study destination of the year, the trellis just outside the Wellesley College Greenhouses, blanketed by thin vines bearing large heart-shaped leaves. Junior…

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