Tag: travel

Galen Stone Tower behind autumnal leaves.

The Week Before Thanksgiving Break: Anticipation and the Promise of Rest

Hi all, As the days tick down to Thanksgiving break, there’s a palpable buzz in the air. Conversations around campus are filled with travel plans, family traditions, and favorite holiday dishes. The week before break feels like the final push before a much-needed pause—a chance to step off the treadmill of lectures, assignments, and meetings, even if only for a…

A majestic bridge with a train on it.

Travel Diary

Hey everyone! By the time I am back on Wellesley soil you might get to know Scotland (and its neighbours?) rather well if you stick with me. I have had the opportunity to explore around Wellesley—New Hampshire, Boston, NYC, etc. Now though, I am definitely traveling a lot more. I think that that’s a very big part of the study…

City street in Wellesley with autumnal leaves.

Building Independence

Happy Halloween! I hope everyone has a fun and safe day. Today, I want to reflect on something not-so-spooky: building independence in college. Like many, coming to Wellesley is my first time fully living away from home. I live in Illinois, so I am a couple states away from my family. Up until Wellesley, I had only been away from…

I was in the 212.

Greetings Bloggies. This is Avery reporting back from New York. I have not procured enough words in the English language to describe how amazing this trip was, so I’ll describe it through the vibe of one of my current favorite song instead. This is actually my third time ever in New York. The first time I went was actually on…

Image of Anna standing atop a high plateau with a wide view of the surrounding countryside.

Study Abroad Stories

Hi all,  With less than a month remaining of my time abroad, I thought it would be fitting to chat about my experience studying abroad. To preface, I had gone into this time away without much preparation other than what the Office of International Studies requires. I had taken a look at the brochure for Trinity College maybe once or…

Image of Anna in a crowd at a concert.

Feeling Grateful

Hi all, I hope everyone is having a great start to this wonderful month leading up to Turkey Day! There is lots to be thankful for, and for this little post I thought I could talk about a few of the moments I have cherished and enjoyed thus far! Remember, these are just highlights of the last few months. I…

halfway there

My adventures in Geneva continue! This past week marked about the halfway point of my time here. I can feel the work ramping up just as the flowers are blooming. It’s getting harder to stay inside and study. So this past weekend, I took a day trip with some friends to Lyon, a city close to Geneva in France. Lyon…

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