Tag: weekend

Looking down from a hilltop at the surrounding countryside.

Take a Hike

Last Saturday, I had the awesome opportunity to go hiking off campus. The hiking trip was hosted by Wellesley College Recreation, part of the school’s Physical Education, Recreation, and Athletics Department and organizer of outdoors trips like this. This trip was aimed at students who are beginner hikers.  I learned about the event and quickly signed up online. I love…

Making myself busy

How busy you are is entirely up to you. You can choose to do just what is required of you for class and spend your afternoons watching Netflix, and your schedule will be wide open. (That honestly sounds pretty good right now.) Or you can join a sports team, get on the mailing lists of five different orgs, write three…

Twenty Two

I turned twenty two last Thursday. At first, I woke up and looked out the window and felt a little older. And then I immediately remembered that I had left my Western blots in the wrong buffer last night leaving the lab, and hoped they were okay (they were). Maybe that’s what being twenty two is. A combination of feeling…

Alpaca Adventuring

I don’t know what it was that possessed me to call up the Harvard Alpaca Ranch on the phone. It’s one of the odder conversations I’ve had recently, asking a stranger if I could come pet their alpacas. It turns out that alpacas are rather wary animals, not too keen on being petted but VERY keen on eating any and…

Friends and Family, Hosting a Prospie and Fall is HERE

Hi to all, I had an awesome time this weekend. It was Friends and Family/Homecoming Weekend. It was also Discover Wellesley Weekend. (Pretty busy I know). Although no one from my family came to visit, I still enjoyed the benefits of Friends and Family weekend, including the food. Harambee House, the place on campus that serves Wellesley students of African…

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