Finals are scary. Forget a horror movie – this is freaking
me out. I can see the preview now –

One week…their futures
hang in the balance. Will they survive?


I’m exaggerating…it’s not that bad, actually. I mean we are
certainly stressed, but there is comfort in knowing what is expected of you.  My professors have given me study guides,
assignments, et cetera to prepare me for their tests. Some students might
differ, but I have felt, all semester, that my instructors wanted me to

So here I am, taking a “study break” to write this blog. I’ve
done my Quantitative Reasoning take-home final. I’m reviewing for my Elementary
Spanish test on Tuesday. I’m sure that one will be challenging, because the
class has covered more Spanish than I thought it was possible to do in just
over 3 months (language courses here are superb!). With that under my belt, I
plan to spend Tuesday afternoon through Thursday on Abnormal Psychology.


I hope I didn’t bore you guys to death with that, but it’s
hard for me to think about anything else right now. Finals can make you crazy.


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