Boys, boys, boys, boys…

In high school, I
was the girl that you often caught with a group of guys – my besties from home
are twin boys! So I couldn’t help but worry a little bit after I chose to go to
an all women’s school.

Ironically, a lot
of my classmates are the same way. For someone who is used to having friends
who are boys, being around women 24/7 can seem a little daunting.  It’s also tempting to give up on having platonic
relationships with guys.

Well, I’m happy to
report that it doesn’t have to be that way! I’ve managed to make some really
nice guy friends.

DSCF1635 Me and some of my MIT homies.

I use the word “managed”
intentionally. I find that the best way to make any friend is to spend time
with them, so making my Wellesley friends was as easy as pie. However, since we
don’t have guys on campus, it’s hard to develop relationships in the
conventional way. As many upperclassmen say, attending Wellesley College
teaches you how to work for everything,
from grades to a social life.


So if you’re that
girl that’s “one of the guys”, don’t worry. With just a little bit of effort,
you don’t have to lose that aspect of your life.

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