Groups and Mentoring

    I’m going to indulge in a stereotype here – if you’re the type of girl who is seriously considering Wellesley, you’re probably involved in some extracurricular activities at your high school. I definitely was – even if I wasn’t in a club, people assumed I was a member!

    I intended to take it easy on the extracurricular activities during my first year of college. Relative to a lot of my friends, I am. However, I could help but be involved in a few “orgs”, as we say around here.    

One group that I am involved in is called Ethos. Most of the members are of African descent –emphasis on the word “most.” Anyone is welcome!  We plan parties and have community service events –there’s probably a lot that I don’t even know about yet, being a first year. One of the great things about Ethos is the mentoring aspect. Our Ethos “big sisters” are always helping us first years out. They give great advice about everything from how to plan a schedule to the best winter boots. I understand why they are so helpful – I’m already looking forward to mentoring the class of 2014!

DSCF1547                 One of my 2013 classmates(on the right) and me(on the left) with our big sister (in the middle).

PYT group pic                 Ethos class of 2013 in our shirts!

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