More mentoring/Fun!!!

This weekend I went bowling! Yaye! Some of the women in an organization I'm
a member of (Ethos, for women of African descent) went bowling with the high
school girls that we mentor.

First we went here:

My nutty friends, right in their element.

There were a LOT of Christmas decorations – really, really weird mechanical
ones. That sort of freakishness makes for great photo ops though.

Me, because I'm equally cray-cray. The woman in the yellow gets us though!

We ended up at Boston Bowl – a spot you’ll probably get to know if you
choose to come to school in the Boston area. It’s a nice bowling alley with
pretty good snacks, and you get free socks to keep with your ugly bowling
shoes! When were there, it was filled with young people, of course.

I’m a terrible bowler, but I didn’t get beaten as badly as I imagined I

Champion bowlers we are not, but great friends we are. I was really nice
to hang out with all my single ladies in a non-library environment, and to get
to know our mentees better. Hopefully, this weekend will only be one good
memory out of many, and a start to many meaningful relationships.


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