
So I’m coming off of a 3 day weekend! Fuuuuun, fun, fun,
fun! It was Spring Week. Events included a Wale concert (free.99 to Wellesley
students, $10 off-campus), a hip hop dance performance, and (my personal
favorite) the annual Ethos fashion show! The theme this year was Avant-Garde,
and it was just that!

The weekend was capped with Marathon Monday! The Boston
Marathon is HUGE – people come from around the world to run, and guess where
the halfway mark for the race is? Yep! Wellesley College, hence, the customary “scream

Wellesley women line the street past our school and scream,
scream, SCREAM encouragement at the marathoners. Some lucky runners even get

In other news – two big events are coming up soon!

On Wednesday, I will be participating in the online
admissions chat from 7-9pm. Be there!

Next week is Spring Open Campus! Whoo – hoo! If
you’re coming, you’re in for a treat!

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