I’m not taking a PE class this semester and I admit I’ve been neglecting exercise because I’m busy with school (and also because I’m a little lazy) But I know working out and personal health is important and recently I’ve been taking it more seriously.
Earlier in the semester, if I had free time after classes and if the weather was nice, sometimes I’d go on short runs around the campus woods. Emphasis on short runs, because I’m actually very bad at running and I forced myself to do it to get some exercise in and enjoy the nature on campus.
But now that it’s getting colder and the sun’s been setting at like 4pm, I’ve been going to the Keohane Sports Center (KSC), which is Wellesley College’s athletics center.
At the KSC, I’ve been swimming laps. I did swimming as a kid and I was on my high school girls swim team. Swimming is my go-to method for exercise and I love how peaceful it is to swim laps on your own; it’s just you and your thoughts in the water and I like to use it as an opportunity to just reflect. I’ll be honest though, I haven’t swum in awhile so a lot of my inner reflection during swimming lately has been “Oh my gosh, I’m so out of breath.” But I promise I’m working to build up my stamina!
KSC’s Chandler Pool has open rec swim hours throughout the week and my friend and I have been going to swim on Wednesday evenings. Last week, I also went to swim by myself on Monday and Friday night and I enjoyed it. I definitely want to make swimming laps part of my weekly routine.
Beyond swimming, I’ve been meaning to check out more of the athletics resources at the KSC. I know there’s the fitness center with treadmills, ellipticals, weights, etc and I plan to check it out next semester.
I can’t believe fall semester will be over soon and that my classes end next week, time has gone by too fast. After classes end, it’ll be reading period, which is time for studying, and then final exams! Very thrilling. I have three final exams and a final project, so I’ll probably be living in the library for the next two weeks. After finals, I’ll be flying back home and am planning on hibernating in my bed for a month.
Thanks for reading and I’ll include photos from my week!

My new favorite study spot at the Science Center

White strawberries at HMart