First Day of Classes Recap

Happy Friday! Two weeks have gone by very quickly and I enjoy all my classes so far; the material is interesting and I like all my professors. This weekend is going to be interesting because Massachusetts is experiencing extremely cold wind chills and temperatures tomorrow– I plan on staying in my dorm for the majority of the day.
Today, I want to recap what my first day of spring semester looked like.

I woke up early (for me) around 7:30 am. I had to register for Econ 103 at 8am and groggily rolled out of bed to get my laptop. At 7:59, I had my cursor ready. And at 8am on the dot, I registered and got a seat in the class.

I got ready for the day and had breakfast at Lulu. I ran into one of my friends and ate breakfast with her as we caught up. Then it was time for Chinese, my first class of the day. Luckily Chinese is located in the same classroom as my Archaeology class last semester, so I had no trouble getting there.

Chinese went well and after class, I headed to the art library in Jewett Art Center. I discovered the art library last semester because I had to go there to find a book for a final project. It’s definitely my new favorite workplace on campus. It’s a small library dedicated to literature about art and it’s very quaint and peaceful. At the library, I printed out a syllabus for one of my classes. I did have to battle with the printer to get my laptop to connect to it (in the end, I found out my laptop wasn’t connecting to the printer because of a mistake on my part but whatever, I’m choosing to blame technology).

Then, I had lunch at Bates. I ate an apple for dessert to be healthy and because of the obscure, little known saying that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” My only other class that day was Econ 102, Introduction to Macroeconomics. All the Econ classes this year are in these modular lots on the far east side of campus because Pendleton East, the social sciences hall, is under renovation.

After Econ, I left the modular lots and went to Clapp Library for the first time this semester! I did Chinese homework and planned out what other work I had to do. Then I went to Mindful Meditation at Houghton Chapel, which is run by Wellesley College’s Buddhist Chaplain. I admit I’m not very good at meditation and I get distracted during it, but I’m really trying to improve. The meditation lasts for about thirty minutes.

Considering I spent a good portion of winter break relaxing at home, I was pretty tired from a day full of walking and snow (and being awake before 12pm) Overall a busy, but good first day of classes! Thanks for reading and I’ll include some photos from the week. 

Being very cozy in bed as I watch TV and drink an Olipop soda

An adorable snow dog someone made

A sunny day by the lake

Last semester when I was working on my archaeology class final project in the art library

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