Ode to Clapp Library

Clapp Library has quickly become one of my favorite places on campus. Nothing beats the comfort of sitting in a peaceful corner in Clapp and having an entire table to yourself to spread out your laptop and notes while you scribble away at an assignment.

Going to the library has become part of my daily routine. My average weekday looks like this: this Tuesday began with breakfast, and by “breakfast”, I actually mean a Kind bar that I scarfed down on the way to class because I slept in and didn’t have time to go to the dining hall. I attended my lecture and then got a good lunch to make up for the lack of hearty breakfast. I went to my next class and afterwards headed straight to the Science Center to attend some office hours. I ate dinner with two friends and then it’s library time. I did my science homework on the silent fourth floor until midnight, when the library unfortunately kicks us out. Fun fact: when the library is closing, they ring alarm bells at around 11:40 and 11:50pm to start letting people know they should leave soon. The first time I stayed until closing and I heard the bell ringing for the first time, I genuinely thought it was a fire alarm and that I had to evacuate immediately. I was very confused why no one else seemed to be reacting to the fact that the library might be burning down. Embarrassing freshman moment.

I really like the library because it helps divide personal and academic time; by establishing a set location like the library to do homework, I train my mind to associate the library with being in focused academic mode. When I return to my cozy dorm afterwards, my mind is more at ease because I’m not doing all my work in there while stressed out. Of course, it’s not like I never get distracted in the library. I definitely take long study breaks aka just me watching TikToks on my phone. But overall, I feel more productive at Clapp. I am already in deep denial over the fact that it’s apparently closing for renovations next year.

Another library fun fact: in my archaeology class, we learned about the two statues outside the library steps. They’re two ancient Greek inspired statues depicting the goddesses Athena and Hestia and were donated by the Wellesley Classes of 1912 and 1913. I think they are two really cool symbols to choose for the school.

Thanks for reading and I’ll include some school photos! 

Amazing art at the Davis Museum on campus

Soong Meiling, former First Lady of the Chinese Republic and Wellesley alum, seen in her class yearbook on display in Clapp

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