POV: You’re a first year registering for spring courses

Last week was spring course registration! As a first year, our registration was the last slot of Friday. This made me worried that the courses I wanted to take would fill up before then; all week I kept an eye on those courses and hoped there would be seats left.

My first semester at Wellesley is shadow graded, meaning my classes this fall are pass-fail. I really like this because it allows me to adjust to what grading standards are like here and takes off some pressure of transitioning academically to college. Personally, STEM subjects are outside of my comfort zone; though I enjoy them, they don’t come to me as naturally as humanities does and I know that I have to put more effort in if I want to excel. I decided to take a lab science class and a calculus class this semester so I could fulfill those distribution requirements during my pass-fail period. Both classes are great, but they definitely require a lot of time and work. Thus, I decided to take a break from STEM this spring and not take any math or science courses. I’ll focus on fulfilling some of the humanities distribution requirements, so I chose classes that fulfill my language and arts requirements.

First year registration began at 8am on Friday (which is horribly early for me) and I set many alarms to ensure I didn’t accidentally sleep through it. I managed to groggily pull myself out of bed at 7:50am and crawl over to my laptop. My heart started to pound as I pulled up the course schedule I wanted and had my backup courses open on multiple tabs. My cursor hovered over the refresh button until 8am. As soon as it was 8am, I refreshed and the bright orange Register button popped up. I clicked it. After a few nerve wracking seconds, I let out a sigh of relief: I got into all the courses I wanted, except for a yoga class. I was waitlisted for that and I added myself to the waitlist for two other yoga classes. Overall, I’m happy with how registration went. I was a little concerned about how registration would go with all first years registering at the same time while using the same (how do I say this kindly… sometimes questionable) wifi. Thankfully, it all worked out.

Next week is going to be very busy: I have tests and a paper to write, and then it’s Thanksgiving break! I’m very excited because I’m flying back home and I can’t wait to see my family, pet cat, friends, and most importantly, sleep in my large bed. I’ll be on a weeklong break from blogging, but afterwards I’ll update on how my break was. Thanks for reading and I’ll include some photos from my week!

Doing gel electrophoresis in my biology lab!

A GINORMOUS leaf I found while on a walk (my hand for scale)

Adorable kitten at the shelter I volunteer at

Tried a rice burger from Rice Burg, a popular food spot in the town. Not bad.

Another adorable shelter kitten.

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