Declaring a Physics Major!

Hello everyone!

I’m really excited this week because I finally declared my major! I absolutely didn’t come to Wellesley thinking that I would be a physics major, but here we are. Usually, the deadline to declare a major at Wellesley is in March of your sophomore year. Because I want to study abroad though, I had to declare my major before December 1st. Luckily, I knew that physics was the right choice for me.

Coming to Wellesley, I thought I might be a math or environmental studies major. That quickly changed though after I took PHYS 100: Relativity and Quantum Physics: An Introduction to College Physics, which is one of the most interesting classes I have ever taken. It was challenging and demanding, but it was also fun and thought-provoking. I am really glad I took this class because it showed me how cool physics really is.

My second semester at Wellesley, I took PHYS 107: Principles and Applications of Mechanics with Laboratory. That is a more traditional introductory physics course, and I had already been exposed to the material covered in it in high school, so it wasn’t as interesting as PHYS 100. I still really enjoyed the class though and had a lot of fun doing the labs associated with it.

This semester I am actually taking two physics classes. The first one is PHYS 108: Principles and Applications of Electricity and Magnetism. This class is rather challenging for me because those topics have never come naturally to me in the past. But what’s college without some challenge! The other one is PHYS 205: Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. I’m really enjoying this class because the material is brand new to me. This class also has a lab that goes with it. The lab is mostly learning the basics of programming in Python, which I think is really great and useful for my future studies.

In addition to those things, I am actually working in the physics lab of one of my professors. Honestly, I am starting out with the basics right now: I am still learning to use the equipment and about the basic physics behind the different experiments. During my last lab session, my classmate and I were cutting the fiber cables we made last time and trying to fuse them back together with as little loss as possible. I am having a lot of fun in that lab, and it’s one of the things I am always looking forward to in my week!

Physics lab with scientific equipment on a counter in the foreground and a whiteboard with mathematical equations in the background.

A photo taken in my professors lab!

That’s it from me for this week! Stay safe!

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