Today, I’m going to share what a very busy school day looks like in my life! I remember obsessively watching “Day in the life as a (insert college name) student” videos when I was applying to colleges, so I hope this can also be useful to readers.
Tuesdays end up as my busiest school day. I have two back-to-back classes on Tuesdays beginning at 11am. When I registered for classes earlier this year and saw that I didn’t have class until 11am, I totally expected myself to regularly sleep in until 10:50; however, I’ve amazed myself this semester, and I actually wake up around 8:30 to 9:00. I’ve enjoyed getting up two hours before class begins and not rushing as I get ready, have breakfast, and do some work.
My first class is calculus in the Science Center. This class is primarily lectures and working together with classmates on worksheets. Wellesley classes are typically seventy-five minutes long twice a week. Certain classes meet three times a week with a shorter fifty minute class on Wednesdays—STEM classes can also have additional labs once a week, and there are some seminar classes that meet once a week for several hours.

The Science Center, one of my favorite workplaces
I have economics class right afterwards in the academic quad, so I hustle over there. Social science classes are in Pendleton Hall West or Pendleton Hall East, so the economics department is based there. I take all my notes with pen/pencil and paper, but I am super jealous of everyone with an iPad to take notes.
After econ, I go have lunch at the student center Lulu. I eat and head back to Pendleton. For my econ class, we’re assigned groups to work together on problem sets due every week. So, I meet with my group, and we work on the problem set and go to our professor’s office hours to ask questions.
Then, I head back to my dorm to get ready for water polo practice. As I mentioned last week, I recently joined the club water polo team with my roommate. I joined water polo because I was part of my high school swim team and I thought it would be a good way to stay active. I can also receive PE credit to attend most of the coach-led practices. There are two coach-led practices a week and each practice is 2 hours long. Practice is in the Keohane Sports Center, and the Wellesley swimming pool is so nice and spacious. After water polo, our team goes to eat dinner together in Lulu. After a tiring practice, you better believe that Lulu dinner tastes EXTRA good.
I walk back to my dorm after practice and shower and try to finish up homework. To be honest though, I am always exhausted after this, and sometimes I shower and go to bed and just finish homework in the morning. I want to clarify that these are my extra busy days, and every Wellesley student’s schedule looks different. Most of my days don’t look like this, and I also spend a lot of time rotting in bed! Thank you for reading!

A foggy view of Galen Stone Tower from the Chapel Lawn

Leaves changing color on campus…

And even more leaves!