Hello Blog,
Happy belated Halloween! This past weekend, appropriately named “Halloweekend,” was full of festivities at Wellesley.
Starting on Thursday, there was Zombie Party, hosted by WZLY (our radio station and biggest on-campus org). Despite its name, not everyone has to dress as zombies. Last year my friends and I went as “Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives” from the iconic Food Network show. I wore a racing suit and goggles, my friend wore an apron, and my other friend dressed as a racecar driver.
Friday was Munger Mash, our biggest on-campus Halloween party. Munger is one of our dorms on the west side of campus and a lot of my friends live there this year, so we had to go all out. This year, my friends and I went as the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. I had arguably the most difficult costume, but I think I pulled off looking like a wooden wardrobe pretty well (I have a great vest). They had dumplings and great music from student DJs. Some of my favorite costumes of the night were my friends as Ennis and Jack from Brokeback Mountain and Phoebe Bridgers, Paul Mescal, and Daisy Edgar Jones from the 2022 Met Gala.
Saturday was jam-packed. First, there was the Halloween open tower for the Guild of Carillonneurs. I’m the events chair, so I decorated the bell tower in the Halloween spirit, and we played spooky music. My friend plays Phantom of the Opera, which is always a hit on campus. I played In the Hall of the Mountain King and Dies Irae. Saturday evening was the second year in a row where I went directly from the music department’s faculty concert to Wellesley’s student-run production of Rocky Horror Picture show. It is truly the duality of a Wellesley college experience. The music department gives a faculty concert once a semester, and I really love being able to see my professors perform. And, of course, Rocky Horror is a classic. I saw my first production at Wellesley and have been going every year since.

Halloween open tower in the bell tower

The duality of performance programs at Wellesley college
Any busy weekend is not complete without a day for rest and relaxation. On Sunday I did homework, worked on a couple applications, and practiced the cello. It was a chill end to my weekend, and it wasn’t even Halloween yet! Although I didn’t go trick or treating on Tuesday, I did get a highly discounted burrito bowl – I guess that’s growing up. During the week, the Chamber Music Society had a spooky sight reading event, and that concluded my Halloween festivities.
Until next time,
Jade <3