Lara Ventures into Boston!

Unlike some people I know (*cough* Avery *cough*), I don’t go into Boston too often. I have big plans to go on solo trips around Europe while I’m studying abroad, but I figure I should start small with solo trips into Boston. I woke up bright and early on Saturday morning to catch the commuter rail into Boston and go to a flea market. I had no choice but to stop at Sweetgreen on my way because I have a very mild Sweetgreen addiction 🤏🥗. I stopped by a food market nearby to use the bathroom, it was super nice and empty so I really took my time taking pictures of the fancy bathroom.

Image of Lara taking a selfie in a mirror in a fancy bathroom.

Me in the fancy bathroom

I thought it was a little suspicious that nobody was there, but I assumed it was just early on a Saturday. I took a seat outside to eat my Sweetgreen, but as soon as I walked outside a security guard came up to me. He was super nice, and he said that I could sit outside but I shouldn’t go inside because they are in the middle of an evacuation. Wish I had known that 15 minutes ago! Maybe it was on me for not being tipped off by the *parked* fire trucks or the fact that nobody was inside, but I blame the people that saw me walk in and didn’t say anything. How was a girl to know?! After a few minutes they let everyone back in the building so it obviously wasn’t a big deal. Naturally, I had to call my friend to debrief this harrowing experience, and she kept me company on the phone while I finished my Sweetgreen and walked to Target. I was kind of tired of shopping after going to Target so I switched up the agenda and instead of going to the flea market, I found a gorgeous park nearby where I sat and read my book.

Image of a fountain surrounded by colorful flowers.

Ramler Park near Fenway!

After reading for a couple hours, I took the commuter rail back to Wellesley satisfied with my glamorous and adventure packed day. It wasn’t until very late that night that I realized the flea market I had planned to go to was only open on Sundays 🙃

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