Midterms Season šŸ˜¦ (don’t panic!)

Hi Blog,

I will not lie, I have been a bit stressed recently. Itā€™s officially midterms season at Wellesley, so the work is really picking up. I have 3 big things coming up this week: my first CHEM 330 (physical chemistry) exam, my first REL 106 (queer bible) paper, and a solo cello performance at friends and family weekend for MUS 344 (my advanced performance seminar). That means for the last two weeks or so, Iā€™ve been preparing because I like to avoid cramming anxiety. Even so, some weeks in college are just going to be stressful, so Iā€™m going to talk about ways I stay balanced and keep myself from feeling too overwhelmed.

I have to remember:

  • My professors want to see me succeed! I cannot express how helpful my chemistry professorā€™s office hours have been to my understanding in the course. The course is pretty intensive, so he really recommends that everyone attend office hours. He offers office hours every day (sometimes multiple times a day, even on weekends), so people can realistically attend. Heā€™s also always available over email, so Iā€™ve felt very supported in my preparations. Iā€™ve also met twice with my religion professor and the research librarian for the religion department to discuss my essay. Iā€™ve never taken a class in the religion department before, so Iā€™m grateful for the additional guidance!
  • My friends want to see me succeed, but they also know I need to take breaks and have fun! Sometimes, I can get tunnel vision when it comes to assignments, but itā€™s really important to give yourself breaks. Whether itā€™s inviting me out to meals, stopping by the places Iā€™m studying to chat, or just sending me a text, my friends are always checking in on me. We all have a lot of work (as I mentioned, itā€™s a busy time of the semester), but we still make time to watch a movie or cook some food together. We hold each other accountable! On Friday, to celebrate the end of this busy period, my friends and I are going out to dinner in Boston and then to an event at the MFA (Museum of Fine Arts). There are new exhibits open late, music, food, and just a fun atmosphere in general!
  • I am capable of success! Imposter syndrome is completely normal, and sometimes itā€™s hard to get rid of regardless of how confident you are or even how well youā€™re doing. I think this is especially applicable for high school students applying to college. I know I was nervous about if I was ā€œgood enoughā€ to get into the right college, but now Iā€™m at Wellesley, where I feel as equally supported as I do challenged. Things work out, and youā€™re capable of more than you may initially believe!

Finally, Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again ā€“ I sleep! I always get 7ā€“8 hours of sleep a night, and this gives me a routine so I can work productively during the day. My nighttime and morning routines really ground me regardless of how busy the rest of my life is. Itā€™s never worth pulling an all-nighter!

Until next time,

Jade <3

Image of a dorm room window with a disco ball hanging from the top sending shimmering light dancing across the walls.

My favorite study spot (during disco hour!)

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