My favorite spots to study on campus. A tier list made by a student for a student.

What’s up lovely creatures!!!!!! In this blog post, I would like to talk about my favorite spots to study on Wellesley’s campus. Our library was closed for renovations right after the first semester my first year, so we had to improvise and find other places to study. This list takes into account a couple of key factors:

    1. Noise
    2. Isolation
    3. Snacks (?)

1 – Billings and Schneider Center

Image of the Schneider Center from the outside.

You won’t believe it when I say, during my spring semester I was basically living here. Me and my friends felt like we just discovered Atlantida (or Mars); so as colonizers, what did we decide to do? Of course, establish our settlement and use up all the resources (tea, coffee, etc.).  One of the major benefits of Billings and Schneider is that people would never think about studying here since the building has offices for residential and spiritual life, and Schneider has student financial services (SFS). Therefore, when I was having my study sessions with my friends, we were the only ones in two buildings. Besides that, it has an amazing massage chair!

2 – Davis Museum

Image of people standing around an art exhibit in the Davis Museum

Davis Museum was only open until 5 pm, so this is not ideal if you want to study at night. However, I put it here because I am in love with the vibes this building has!! I especially enjoyed working on my art history papers. Since it’s a museum and usually not full of visitors, it would be a nice quiet and isolated place to study.

3 – McAfee Common Room

Image of McCafee Common Room showing a number of coaches around a stone fireplace.

Though I lived on the other side of campus (Munger which is on the West Side), I still went all the way to the East Side: to the McAfee common room. Though it does get noisy only when House Council is happening, I still love this place. The room, colors, couches everything was working so well. For this place, I was ready to give up the noise levels sometimes (since I usually wear headphones) for the overall atmosphere, which is way more important for me since I can’t stand super sterilized spaces (I HATE AND DESPISE white lights in rooms to study).

Pookies, I hope you enjoyed my little list but take it with a grain of salt: there are numerous places to study on campus, but these are the ones I just happened to like (life is unpredictable what can I say 😅).  See you next week!

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