On The Uptown

HELLO. GREETINGS. SALUTATIONS. BLOGGIES. I hope all 2 and a half of my readers had a WONDERFUL weekend. BECAUSE IIII DID. I truly think New York has some type of spiritual allure to it that I can not pull myself away from. It’s giving pirate and siren except I forgot to cover my ears. That was my 4th time in New York in less than 70 days, and I’m already having geographical withdrawals. Maybe I’ll start covering my ears (wallet) this time. Oh and here’s my song of the week. It’s a mix of French and Arabic, which I’ve noticed is a combo that never fails tbh.

Anyways. Blog time. Thursday evening. My summer besties Kelly & Nina are leaving Boston. 🙁 Kelly is pre-dental and was in Boston this summer for an internship with Harvard’s children hospital. Nina is in medical school and worked in the same office as Kelly. I mentioned them photographically in some of my previous blogs! But this was the last time I got to see them for maybe EVER, so we got dinner at the very first place we all ever ate together, Dirty Water Dough, a cheap pizza place on Newbury Street. We talk, we reminisce. I bring up the idea of a sweet treat duh, and suggest Amorino a block down. We get some adequately overpriced gelato and part ways. Kelly says she might come take her gap year in Boston starting next summer and Nina says she’ll try and visit within the next 2.5 years. I hope they do, I already miss them!! 🙁

Image of pizza on a platter.

I feel like they should change the name of their establishment.

Three cups of gelato being held in a circle.

3 pre-dental, medical, and psychology students walk into an Italian Gelato bar…

Friday. I go straight to Newbury Street in search of an inconspicuous black, snap-back, hat. Because perchance, I maybe lost my only other hat on Stuart Street the other weekend. (I was really sad.) The one thing they tell you about Boston as a first-year Wellesley student is that Newbury shops are notoriously expensive, but I got to see that in full play last Friday when I spent over 2 HOURS trying to find a hat under $100. Oh my god. I went into almost 10 stores before finding my hat for $30 smh. But mission accomplished. Hat acquired. Gratitude and optimism! Side note: The Back Bay T stop’s Tasty Burger has SCRUMPTIOUS breakfast burgers. The speed at which I consumed that sandwich would have gotten me pulled over by the police if translated onto a speedometer. WHEW.

Image of Avery wearing a black hat.

New(bury) hat

Image of a burger being held in a paper wrapper.

Oral Ascension

Saturday. GOOD MORNING MANHATTAN. I promptly say goodbye to my good friend REM at 5:30am and hop on the commuter to Boston, and then the bus to New York. I would tell you something cool that happened on the bus, but I literally just slept. So let’s pretend that I teleported to Manhattan instead and did not sit uncomfortably on a bus for 5 hours.

Image of a city skyline.

Fake bus pic since I teleported instead.

Anyways, I get off near midtown, walk to my Wellesley friend’s apartment in the Upper East Side, and then take the 7 to Queens. I went to a park near the Brooklyn Bridge, got hotpot for the 2nd time ever and explored some other parks enjoying the view. I get back to my friend’s apartment in Manhattan pretty late, and we stay up until 5 in the morning debriefing about our days.

Sunday. I sleep in until 11am, get ready, and discuss with my friend what we should do for the day. She mentions brunch, and I recommend Jacob’s pickles, a southern brunch spot on the Upper West Side. I got jalapeno and egg mac n cheese and a pair of friends next to us give us their deviled eggs. 10/10 highly recommended.

Image of a tray of deviled eggs.

Adequately paprika’d

Several plates of food on a table.

I’m still eating these leftovers btw.

We explore some more of the UWS. We walked around and took lots of photos and found a cool bookstore called “The Strand.” Then we went thrifting at “Unique Boutique.” I got 3 new ties!! Then we went to Central Park and watched these random guys do capoeira, took more pictures, and then I got on the 6pm bus back home!

Avery and her friend standing in front of a red door.

Some guy said we looked picture worthy and took this for us!

Image of Avery reading a book.

Big fan of words on pages.

Image of central park and the NYC skyline.

People Watching.

Anyways that’s all for now, I’m still catching up on sleep! Have a great week.

Best regards,

Avery the Admissions Intern

Image of a neon sign reading "New York"

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