
Hello Blog!

Welcome to my return to blogging! I assume most of you are new readers, so it seems only appropriate to reintroduce myself.

My name is Jade, I’m a current junior at Wellesley (go green class!), and I’m originally from Massachusetts – only 30 minutes away from Wellesley. I’m a big fan of all the trees we have in the northeast, especially in the fall, and Wellesley does not disappoint! I’ve been working in the Office of Admission since my first year, and I also give tours. If you ever visit Wellesley in person, you might see me, so please say hello!

I’m a chemistry major and a music minor, so I see a good balance of both humanities and STEM on campus (you could say I’m living the liberal arts dream). Plus, I think it’s helped me perfect all the fastest routes around campus. I do research in a biochemistry lab on campus. I started the summer after my first year, and this year I’m starting preparations for my senior thesis. I’ve played the cello for most of my life, and I’ve been taking lessons at Wellesley since I arrived on campus. This year, I’m taking a performance seminar, which culminates in a final solo recital – very daunting, but exciting! I’m also the president of the Chamber Music Society, and I play the bells (for all of campus to hear) as part of the Guild of Carillonneurs. You’ll hear so much more about my campus involvements as I update this blog, so I’m cutting myself off here!

If I’m not in the science center or the practice rooms, you can find me in my lovely room in Pomeroy (Pom) Hall (the best dorm on campus in my opinion, but my disco ball might make me a bit biased). This year, I’m the ASC (Academic Success Coach) for Pom, which means I get to spend a lot of time talking to first-years about the academic transition to college. This is my first year at Wellesley where most of my friends (including me) are living without roommates, which is a bit of an adjustment. But the great thing about living on campus is that all of my friends are less than a 5 minute walk away. We’ve started holding weekly poker nights on Sunday evenings to catch up (my little brother had to teach us how to play).

Being halfway through college is a strange experience. I really feel like I’ve hit my stride at Wellesley – I’ve found my people and my niches on campus; I know where I am, and I can see where I’m going. Even so, I still feel like I have so much to learn and so much more to do before I graduate. Four years ago I had to catch the 6:45am bus to school, two years ago I was adjusting to communal bathrooms, and this year I’m planning my thesis. Well, that’s enough existentialism for me! I’m looking forward to my junior year, and I’m grateful I get to do this growing at Wellesley and update this blog along the way!

Until next time,

Jade <3

Image of Jade and her friend Anabelle in front of Lake Waban at sunset.

My friend Anabelle (right) and I (left) on a sunset lake walk with my other friend Anna (photographer <3)

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