Uneventful Monday

I recently wrote about what a busy day in my life as a Wellesley student looks like; today, I want to do the opposite and write about a fairly uneventful Monday of classes. I woke up early to work on a short paper for my Islamic art history class. Since I live on the east side, I am lucky to have Bates Dining Hall close by, and I went down there to eat breakfast and continue writing my paper. Bates Dining Hall, one of the four dining halls on campus, has quickly become one of my favorite workplaces. 

I headed to the academic quad to attend Chinese, my first class of the day. I enjoy taking 300-level Chinese; the vocabulary and grammar patterns we learn are difficult, but we also spend significant time having class discussions in Mandarin. We discuss cultural practices like marriage and parenting in China and compare them to our own experiences here in the United States. 

Afterwards, I usually go have lunch in nearby Lulu; however, I have been sick this week and was not feeling a hundred percent and headed back to my dorm to rest. For lunch, I had garlic bread and chicken ditalini soup; soup is one of the food options that is always available during dining hall hours. I quickly stopped by the Emporium, the school-run convenience store inside Lulu, to buy peanut butter M&M’s. Every semester, all Wellesley students are given 75 flex dollars to spend at the Emporium and Collins Cafe on campus.

I went to Jewett Arts Center for my art history class and did homework before art history class began. I really enjoy this class, we look at different Islamic art pieces from antiquity and discuss their attributes and socio-historical context. If I was not already minoring in statistics, I would try to minor in art history!

Thanks to daylight savings, I left art history class, and it was pitch black and very disorienting. I walked over to the WZLY Radio Station in Billings Hall for my committee meeting. All members of WZLY, our student radio station, are part of committees that have different responsibilities like updating the music blog and planning events. I am part of the events and media committee, where we plan on-campus events and organize selling WZLY merch. I love the radio station—the walls are covered in students’ decorations from over the years, and there are shelves and shelves of CDs and records. I like the committee meetings because we occasionally create decorations for events like our Halloween party and design promotional posters; it can be a fun little creative outlet where I spend an hour not thinking about school and do crafts instead.

Today’s meeting did not take too long, and I headed to Bates after to have dinner. I ate shrimp and stir fry noodles! Very delicious. I wish I could say I worked on my econ and math problem set after this, but as I mentioned, I am sick. So, I just rested! 

Thank you for reading and take care of yourself. I’ll include photos from my week!

Image of an intricate manuscript illustrated and ornately written.

A 13th-century Islamic manuscript my art history class viewed in the library special collections

An orange and pink sunset above a backdrop of trees and a deer.

Beautiful deer and sunset!

Image of a room with a whiteboard, red chair, and pillar in the center, lit by several sphere shaped lights above.

Working outside the econ department offices, where I will probably end up spending half of my Wellesley career at.

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