To: Wellesley Community
From: President Paula A. Johnson
Re: Reaccreditation Review
Date: March 15, 2017
I am pleased to announce that we have initiated the process for our next reaccreditation review by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). Wellesley received its initial accreditation in 1929 and undergoes a full review by the accrediting agency every 10 years. Part of this process includes the preparation of our self-study report detailing how well our institution meets nine standards of accreditation. We have scheduled our next accreditation site visit for March 10–13, 2019.
Provost Andrew Shennan and I have established a steering committee to help develop and guide the self-study report. Bryan Burns, associate professor of classical studies, and Pamela Taylor, assistant provost of institutional planning and assessment, have agreed to serve as co-chairs of this committee. In addition, Marianne Cooley, assistant vice president, has agreed to staff the committee. I will announce shortly the faculty, staff, and student representatives who will also participate on the steering committee. We have shared documents from our previous reviews, and will provide more information about the process as we move forward.
Over the next two years, the accreditation process will provide an opportunity to engage our entire community to deeply reflect on where Wellesley stands in pursuit of its mission and how we will continue to prepare our students to make a difference in the world. It is my hope that the process will reflect our core values: our steadfast dedication to the liberal arts, and our tireless efforts to sustain a campus culture that appreciates and supports a diversity of ideas, experiences, and backgrounds.
I look forward to working with all of you as we begin this important undertaking.