To: Wellesley College Community
From: Christine Cruzvergara, associate provost and executive director of Career Education
Re: Career Education Website Launch
Date: March 1, 2018

It is with great enthusiasm—and with deep gratitude to Cheryl Whaley ’87, whose generosity made this project possible—that I share this update about the launch of our new Career Education website.

For the past two years, the Career Education team has worked with partners across Wellesley to gain a fuller understanding of how we can best connect students and alumnae to the world of opportunity beyond our campus. Our new career education model complements all the advantages of a liberal arts education and allows us to collaborate more effectively with students and alumnae as they pursue lives of meaning and purpose.

In developing our unique model, it became clear that our website would need to be retooled to reinforce our fresh vision and approach and to provide our students and alumnae—many of them digital natives—with a more familiar way to explore and digest content.

Our exciting new website has so much to offer:

User-Driven Experience Leads
Our website is informed by a fundamental understanding of how today’s college students explore content that, coupled with a goal of introducing users to information tailored to their personal needs and preferences, allowed us to design a website that is equally useful to all the stakeholders we serve (students, alumnae, faculty, staff, parents, and employers) without subjecting them to information overload, frustration, and fatigue.

Diverse Content and Expertise
Our team has worked hard to produce a broad range of resources, programming, and opportunities on an easy-to-navigate platform that expands access to content for all stakeholders through clean design, enhanced filters, and improved searchability.

Inclusive Excellence and Accessibility
Career Education is especially committed to achieving the campus-wide goal of inclusive excellence. Our website provides content in multiple formats to meet the differing needs of our users, promoting equal access to opportunity.

Enhanced Transparency and Reporting
Users have access to animated information specifically designed to increase transparency and educate our community—and the general public—about Wellesley’s outstanding students and alumnae. By making information about career outcomes and data from Career Education’s annual report readily available, we can more fully understand—and share—the trends that have an impact on student and alumnae career success and overall life satisfaction.

My Career Education colleagues and I are pleased and proud to provide our community with this remarkable tool—an always-on channel that will enable its users to access all that Career Education has to offer. I encourage you to take a moment to explore its many features.

We thank you for your ongoing support, collaboration, and partnership as we navigate—together—the ever-evolving world of work so that we can prepare Wellesley students and alumnae to reach their full potential and realize their dreams.