To: The Wellesley Community
From: President Paula A. Johnson
Re: Process for Developing a Demonstration Policy
Date: September 25, 2018
Earlier this month when I suspended the interim policy surrounding demonstrations, I committed to launching a process this semester that would ensure community involvement in the development of a formal demonstration policy for the College. Senior Leadership and I have come up with a consultative process to help us evolve initial thinking and create a new policy.
It starts with a Listening Session from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. on October 31 in the Academic Council room to gather community feedback and begin to build an understanding of what is involved in addressing safety while embracing Wellesley’s long and valued tradition of protest.
The key points raised during the Listening Session will then be posted to the website and summarized as a Daily Shot, which will offer a link for additional community feedback.
Since developing this policy is an administrative responsibility, I have asked Dean Sheilah Horton, Provost Andy Shennan, and Assistant Vice President Carolyn Slaboden to work with the collective input and draft the policy. They will distribute their draft to the community and also present it to CG Senate, Academic Council, and Administrative Council for further discussion and feedback.
Dean Horton, Provost Shennan, and AVP Slaboden will refine the draft, as necessary, and recommend a final version to me and Senior Leadership.
Wellesley strongly supports the right of our community members to make their voices heard through peaceful demonstration. We are deeply committed to the free exchange of ideas, however controversial. Our belief is that in developing a common understanding of our expectations of one another and those from outside our community about campus demonstrations, we will protect our community while encouraging the free expression of all views.