To: Wellesley Faculty and Staff
From: President Paula A. Johnson
Re: News about Elizabeth Gildersleeve
Date: January 17, 2019
I write to share the bittersweet news that Elizabeth Gildersleeve, Wellesley’s chief communications officer, has let me know that she has decided to leave the College at the end of the academic year. After 10 years of arduous commuting, Elizabeth will be returning home to New York City and her family.
I thank Elizabeth for her many contributions to Wellesley and for the generous support she has given me over the last three years. Elizabeth and I have worked closely on many priorities and issues and I am grateful for her commitment and the strength of our partnership.
Under Elizabeth’s leadership, Wellesley has seen a significant and positive increase in its visibility. The College’s leadership position is more broadly known and our institutional voice and influence are stronger. More than that, she has established a highly professional communications department and a first-rate Communications and Public Affairs team, which oversees the full complement of Wellesley’s internal and external communications. Elizabeth also plays an important role on the Senior Leadership Team, working to advance key priorities of the College.
Over the next few months, we will be conducting a search to find a new leader of Communications and Public Affairs. During the transition period, Elizabeth will continue in her current role. On February 1, she will move from full time to part time, working on campus three days a week, to ensure stability and effective communications while we find the best individual to lead moving forward.
I would like to extend to Elizabeth our deepest thanks for the unique skills, insight, dedication, and optimistic energy that she has shared with Wellesley. Though I know we are all happy for Elizabeth to return home for her next chapter, I also know how much we will miss her. There will be time to celebrate with her in the months ahead, but in the meantime, please join me in wishing her the very best.