To: Wellesley Faculty and Staff
From: President Paula A. Johnson
Re: Announcing Wellesley’s New Vice President for Development
Date: March 19, 2019


I am delighted to announce that Wellesley has selected Mary M. Casey as the College’s new vice president for development. Mary will serve as our lead fund-raiser, responsible for the College’s comprehensive development efforts as well as the management of our centralized development operation. As a senior officer of the College, Mary will be a strategic partner and valuable contributor in support of academic and institutional priorities, initiatives, and opportunities. She will begin her new role on June 1.

Mary is exceptionally well-qualified to serve Wellesley in this critical position. For 21 years, she held progressively responsible positions in the Office of College Advancement at Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts, including eight years as vice president for college advancement. She has been the campaign director for Boston Children’s Hospital Trust for the past four years.

Wellesley selected Mary after conducting a national search that yielded a pool of talented and qualified candidates. I’d like to thank the search committee members, who were instrumental in bringing Mary to Wellesley: Debora de Hoyos ’75, Tom Faust, Dorothy Chao Jenkins ’68, Debby Kuenstner ’80, Megan Núñez, Piper Orton, Andy Shennan, Carolyn Slaboden, and Sue Wagner ’82.

I also want to recognize the work of the dedicated members of the Development division. I am especially grateful to Marisa Jaffe ’95, our outstanding director of principal gifts, who so ably co-led the team during a time of significant transition. I greatly appreciate the entire team’s unwavering focus and ongoing efforts to support and advance the College.

Mary, her husband, Mark, and their two sons live nearby in Westborough. Mary has been a longtime volunteer for her alma mater, Mount Holyoke College, serving as both a class gift agent and as a member of the Alumnae Association board. She is a member of the Corporation for the Perkins School for the Blind and she serves on the Family Support Council for the Department of Developmental Services for the state of Massachusetts. Both organizations are deeply important to Mary, she says, because they advocate for people who often have no powerful lobby to represent them.

Please join me in welcoming Mary and her family to our community.