To: The Wellesley Community
From: President Paula A. Johnson
Re: Campus Now Closed to the Public
Date: March 31, 2020
Earlier this month in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we reached out to officials from the Town of Wellesley and neighboring towns to ask for their help advising the public about the importance of observing social distancing on our campus. We posted notices and signs regarding the need to follow public health guidance on our campus, and we restricted public use of our parking lots and facilities.
Despite these efforts, increasing numbers of visitors to our campus are not following these guidelines. In fact, many people have been gathering on campus who are not observing social distancing and who are using our parking lots, athletic fields, and facilities despite clear signage and guidance to the contrary.
Therefore, in consultation with officials of the Town of Wellesley and the Wellesley Police Department, we have made the difficult decision—a first for the College—to close our campus to the public, effective immediately.
The purpose of this decision is to protect the health and safety of our community and to comply with public health guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The campus remains open and operational to support College business and those students still living on campus.
We will be putting up additional signage indicating that the campus is closed to the public at main entrances, athletics fields and courts, walkways, and throughout the grounds. Wellesley police have offered to help us enforce this decision by limiting parking along Route 135, Route 16, and Pond Road, and our Campus Police will ask visitors they encounter on campus to leave immediately.
Additionally, following discussions with town officials about COVID-19 risks, both the College and the Hunnewell family, owners of the property next to the College that also borders Lake Waban, have decided to close the privately owned walking path around Lake Waban to the public. Only faculty, staff, and students (no guests) are welcome to walk on Wellesley College’s portion of the lake path, and around campus, while maintaining social distance.
We are fortunate in that we still do not have any confirmed cases of COVID-19 on campus. However, the threat of infection continues to escalate, and we urge all our community members to follow best practices and tips on how to stay healthy, adhere to the stay-at-home advisory currently in effect in Massachusetts, and maintain six feet of social distance at all times.
If you have questions or concerns about this decision, please contact the Office of Communications and Public Affairs. You can find additional information on the College’s coronavirus website.
Thank you for your understanding.