Dear Members of the Wellesley Community,
We invite you to join us for a special online event on Sunday, May 31 at 12 p.m. EDT, to celebrate the achievements of and award degrees to the remarkable red class of 2020.
While this celebration is not intended to replace commencement, it will allow us all—family, friends, faculty, staff, and alumnae—to join together as a community to acknowledge the accomplishments, compassion, and courage of our seniors.
This will not be the last time we celebrate the class of 2020. We look forward with great anticipation to a time when it is safe for us to gather here on our beautiful campus to recognize these outstanding seniors as they begin their journeys as Wellesley alumnae.
We look forward to being with you on May 31 to cheer on our seniors.
Paula A. Johnson, President
Andy Shennan, Provost and Lia Gelin Poorvu ’56 Dean of the College
Sheilah Shaw Horton, Vice President and Dean of Students


Please note: For those who are not able to join us live, a recording of the celebration will be made available on the Class of 2020 website.