To: The Wellesley College Community
From: Karen Petrulakis, General Counsel
Re: Keeping Wellesley Healthy Updates
Date: August 29, 2020
We know the past few weeks have been busy—and on top of that, we’ve been sending you a lot of information about testing and other health and safety protocols to keep yourself and our community healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. To make it easy to access that information, we have launched a new microsite called Keeping Wellesley Healthy. We hope it will be useful to you.
On the microsite, you will also find a dashboard that we will update daily with details about the number of asymptomatic tests given and the number of positive test results. This dashboard allows the community to see the number of positive tests within any seven-day period as well as a cumulative total, and to see how the College’s testing program is proceeding.
While testing is incredibly important, testing alone cannot prevent the spread of infection. Prevention depends on all of us wearing masks, maintaining physical distancing at all times, and frequently washing our hands. We need to make sure we are getting these simple and powerful behaviors right.
To measure and track our progress on those key behaviors going forward, we will be sending out a weekly survey through Qualtrics. The survey is short, easy to fill out, and anonymous, and we truly appreciate you completing it on a weekly basis so we have an accurate picture of how we are doing on these key measures and where we need to improve.
Thank you for all you are doing to continue to keep Wellesley healthy. Please check the microsite for updates throughout the fall.
Best wishes for a wonderful and healthy academic year ahead.