To: Wellesley College Faculty and Staff
From: President Paula A. Johnson
Re: Reminder to Students About On-Campus COVID-19 Protocols
Date: September 14, 2020
I’m writing to share this letter that I sent to on-campus students earlier today reminding them of the continued need to observe physical distancing while on campus.
As many of you know, yesterday our community celebrated Flower Sunday. The weather was beautiful and it was wonderful to see students socializing across campus. However, as Dean Horton and I walked across campus, we noticed that many students were not observing physical distancing guidance. We have also received feedback from the weekly community survey and the compliance reporting form that indicates that this is an ongoing issue.
Dean Horton and I will be meeting with student leaders later this week to talk about the need to continue to observe physical distancing and wearing masks at all times. These are important public health practices that all of us must be mindful of and continue to follow.
Thank you for all that you are doing to help keep our community safe.