To: Wellesley College Students and Their Families
From: President Paula A. Johnson and Vice President and Dean of Students Sheilah Shaw Horton
Re: Please Join Us for an Important Health and Safety Update This Thursday
Date: October 28, 2020
We hope that all of you enjoyed a well-deserved break and are feeling energized for the start of our second seven-week term of the academic year, which began Monday.
We are grateful to have experienced a successful start to the year with our first term—our asymptomatic testing protocol identified just three positive cases of COVID-19 over the course of term one—but now we must redouble our commitment as a community to adhering to the rules for living and learning on campus.
Our first two months on campus have shown what is working well, as well as where we need to improve. With that in mind, we have developed several new or refined health and safety measures, including new rules for off-campus travel and the visitor policy, that are applicable both for students currently on campus and for those who plan to live on campus in the spring.
Dean Horton and I invite all students and their families to join us for a webinar this Thursday, October 29, at 7 p.m. EDT to discuss these new health and safety measures, which we will share by email in advance of the webinar. Please pre-register to receive the login information.
We hope you are able to join us this Thursday. For anyone who is not able to attend, the webinar will be recorded and shared on our Keeping Wellesley Healthy website shortly following the event.