To: Wellesley College Administrative Staff
From: Carolyn Slaboden, Chief Human Resources Officer, and Piper Orton, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer
Re: Invite to Fall 2021 Staff Follow-Up Meeting
Date: August 31, 2021
Following last week’s faculty and staff webinar about fall 2021 health and safety protocols, we would like to invite you to a staff-only meeting where you can ask any outstanding questions you may have. This meeting will take place tomorrow, September 1, at 10 a.m. Please register to receive the login information.
If you were not able to attend last week’s webinar, we encourage you to view the recording before attending tomorrow’s meeting. Much information was shared during that webinar that may address questions or concerns that you have, and we have also developed an FAQ for faculty and staff based on the questions that were raised during the webinar.
For those of you who still have questions, we look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the staff meeting.