Dear Students,
We were so excited to welcome the first years to campus this week and we look forward to the return of the classes of 2023-2025 this weekend. We are hopeful that we can begin a new semester with a new normal of activity on campus. This is the first of the Dean’s weekly letters to inform you about updated policies and developments at the College. Our focus this year is on personal responsibility for making smart decisions, using your own knowledge of safe practices and comfort level on campus
You received an email from me on August 18 with details about our Fall 2022 Covid protocols. Please read this as you come back to campus so that you can be prepared. Here are a few other suggestions:
Arriving and onboarding: Once you arrive on campus you will have a rapid test in your room. Please take the test to ensure that you are negative. Within 48 hours you must go to the College club to receive a PCR test.
Masks are encouraged, but not required. Once you arrive on campus you will only be required to wear masks in classes or in health/counseling facilities. The CDC has clearly indicated that masks prevent transmission of the virus. Please do all that you can to limit exposure by wearing masks during travel. Also know that you should also feel comfortable to wear your mask any time you need extra protection. Students – please respect others’ decisions regarding masks. Whether you wear one or not, it is your choice and your responsibility.
Once you have onboarded successfully, testing is also optional. We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to continue our testing program. If you would like to test weekly you must sign up. Please consult the Aug. 18 email for details.
Guests are welcomed in the residence halls. We were thrilled to welcome families and others into the halls during the move in this week! If you would like to have a guest, please consult the residential life guest policy. Keep in mind that you are responsible for confirming the vaccination status of your guests and you are responsible for their actions while they are on campus.
Socialize safely. We have learned from other schools that Covid-19 outbreaks almost always happen as a result of social gatherings. We urge you to avoid large group gatherings when you first arrive. Take advantage of the outdoors and especially the late summer and early autumn New England weather.
Important Updates:
There are so many new people, programs and processes to share! First off, there is a new Associate Dean of Students working with me in Green Hall, Dean Dawn Montagna will help me lead the Division of Student Life and work closely with several departments. You will see her at College Government meetings and other places on campus. Also, the Class Deans office has two new class deans Soon our new Associate Dean for Academic Integration will join us and the office will be complete.
Be sure to read the email that was sent to you by the Registrar yesterday (email date: 9/1/2022, subject: [Important] Reminders for the Start of the Semester – Registration and Deadlines). Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors — look for an email from the Registrar next week regarding a new way to navigate to your Academic Progress Report (APR).
CHANGE IN PLANS: due to the weather forecast, we have made the decision to move the Labor Day (9/5) Dean of Students Welcome Back BBQ into the Dining Halls. The original BBQ hours for Munger Meadow were 4:30-6:30pm. Now with it moving inside, the hours of the BBQ will be regular dinner hours for all four dining locations: Tower, Bates, and Stone Davis will be open from 5:00pm-7:00pm and Lulu will be 5:00pm-8:00pm.
As we start this academic year we are still reeling from the effects of the Roe v Wade reversal. I want to remind all of our students that if you find yourself in need of support regarding reproductive concerns, please use Health Services and they can best advise you on how to get support. Wherever you are, Health Services can still provide valuable advice and support.
Are you feeling a positive vibe…???. Yes, because we are at a point where we have the opportunity to build community, but at the same time we really have to trust each other and we have to take responsibility for ourselves. Do you have ideas for how to improve the student experience? The Student Life Advisory Group application process will be open soon. More to come on how to get involved!
For many students transitions can be challenging and especially now that we are in a different phase of the pandemic. The JED foundation has a useful article on how to transition back to campus. You can find it here. I hope it is helpful to you.
Have a wonderful weekend, There are so many events on campus, check out Wengage if you are looking for social events this weekend. I will see you around campus, this weekend and at Convocation on September 6th
Sheilah Shaw Horton
Vice President and Dean of Students