Dear Students,
As we settle into the middle of the semester there is much to anticipate. Today’s email will list a number of new programs, activities and announcements that are really important. October is LGBTQ+ History Month! Check out the programs listed on the website.
I am delighted to announce that Maryellen Kiley will join us as the Associate Dean of Academic Integration and Advising, overseeing the Class Deans office and Orientation programs. Maryellen has more than two decades of accomplishments within higher education and has partnered with academic colleagues in developing innovative strategies to connect classroom learning with the co-curricular experience. She will bring new ideas to Wellesley at a pivotal time when we are re-examining our advising strategy for inclusive excellence. Maryellen will join us on October 3rd and will serve as a class dean for one third of the class of 2023. There will be a Class Dean’s Open House in Schneider, 2nd floor, next Thursday, October 6th from 1:30-3pm. Please stop by and say hello and welcome all of your new Deans!
We are looking forward to the Science Complex Opening Celebration this Monday, October 3! Starting at 2 p.m. Please RSVP to attend. The College is convening a half-day series of fantastic programming, including a keynote from Reshma Kewalramani, CEO and president, Vertex Pharmaceuticals; a panel discussion focused on changing the culture of STEM with leaders from higher education, government, life sciences, and technology; and a community reception with lots of delicious snacks, research poster sessions from faculty and students, and giveaways
I mentioned last week that Wellesley College will host a COVID-19 bivalent booster clinic on October 17th from 9 am to 3 pm in the Tishman Commons at the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center. There will be six vaccination stations and a waiting area for post inoculation observation. Students should expect a 15 minute wait after receiving their booster. Students with a history of anaphylaxis from injectable therapies and/or vaccines or who have had previous allergic reactions to a COVID-19 vaccine should expect a 30 minute wait. Please pre-register for the booster clinic using this link. Any questions about the COVID-19 bivalent booster clinic can be directed to the campus COVID coordinator (781-474-0383,
Please bring your COVID-19 vaccination cards to the booster clinic. If you forget your card or have lost it, then a card documenting the booster will be issued at the clinic.
We are fortunate that the Health Services is also hosting Flu vaccine clinics at different venues on campus. It is fine to get your flu shot before getting your Covid booster.
Flu clinic dates and locations:
Thursday October 6th
11:30 am to 2 pm at Lulu
Wednesday October 12th
11am to 4pm at the KSC
Thursday October 13th
11:30am to 2pm at Lulu
Monday October 17th (*Note this is the same date as the COVID clinic.)8am to 4pm at the Science Center
Thursday October 20th
8am to 4pm at the Clapp Library
Finally, last but not least…..Hopefully you received the letter from President Johnson acknowledging the challenges that are happening globally and how they impact all of us. Next week, the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life invites you to a gathering for our community in Houghton Chapel on October 6, from 12:45 to 1:15 p.m., where we will join together in reflection and prayer for all those affected by recent natural disasters and world events. This will be a moment of peace and connection. I hope to see you there.
Get ready for the most beautiful time of year: Autumn in New England. Can you tell by the crisp fall air? Breathe in and out…. enjoy the relaxation that breathing exercises bring!
Sheilah Shaw Horton
Vice President and Dean of Students